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Benefits of Carrot Juice!

B vitamins play a role in the synthesis and metabolism of proteins that alerts your body that pathogens have taken over. Like the vitamins above, they also strengthen white blood cells.On the other hand, vitamin E protects cell membranes, including white blood cells. Vitamin E also reverses T cell aging and impaired function.Lastly, carrots contain iron, zinc, and copper, three key minerals that help with white blood cell production and inflammation. 2. Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Maintenance 📷Carrots are low in carbohydrates and low on the glycemic index, which prevents a blood sugar spike after your meal (2). Their fiber content also helps you control blood sugar by slowing the breakdown of glucose during the digestion process (3). The antioxidants in carrots also modify cholesterol absorption and bile acids excretion to lower your cholesterol levels(4)

3. Cleanses the Liver


A 2016 study found that drinking carrot juice is beneficial for treating liver injuries caused by consuming high fructose corn syrup, as well as reversing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The fiber in carrots also absorbs bile, which contains liver toxins, and helps your body eliminate it (5).

4. Glowing Skin


Beta-Carotene, one of the antioxidants found in carrots, inhibits free radicals and fat oxidation. This helps prevent skin aging and excessive dryness. This compound also prevents sun-induced damage while lycopene, another compound, improves the appearance and softness of skin (6). It may even help diminish the appearance of scars and blemishes.

5. Strengthens your Bones

6. Oral Health

📷Vitamin K, found in large quantities in carrots, works with vitamin D and calcium to increase bone density by positively affecting calcium balance (7). These compounds also speed the recovery of broken bones.

Fiber-rich foods like carrots increase saliva production, which is key to preventing cavities (10). Some of the nutrients in the root are also antibacterial, helping prevent tooth decay and infection.

Plus, foods containing carotenoids lower your risk of mouth, pharynx and larynx cancers (11).

7. Prevents Cancer


High amounts of beta-carotene are found in carrots and improve immune function so much that they can help kill cancer cells by activating carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes.


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